January Update from Gordon
March Update from Gordon
07/05/2024Another month gone and still things aren’t getting any easier for those who are struggling. But with your prayers, help and your support, as always, we are keeping up with everything coming our way.
It was a big month for parcels in November 2023, some 829 families helped. January 2024 was 961, which is a massive increase. This puts us under huge pressure to access the food through whatever means possible, be it donations or purchase. But we know it’s what we are called to do, and God has not brought us this far to see the project fail, as long as we let him lead us.
With the increase on demand for help, it means we are all under pressure as individuals who are employed and the brilliant army of volunteers who give so much to our ministry.
I will never stop thanking you because you’re amazing, and without you we are just an idea, thank you again.
As I said, January was a busy month for us with an all-time high of 961 families supported, plus 411 top up bags of best before stuff, which would otherwise have gone in the bin. It is so so sad that this seems to be going up and up, but we are trying our best to keep up and with your help it makes such a difference. When is it going to end, I have no idea, but while we can, we will keep on going serving people.
One question I get asked is … How do you know the families need help with food? The answer is simple, every family we help, has been referred by an agency (we work with over 50). This means the family has approached someone for help and is engaged with the agency to help them through their difficulties. In doing this the agency, who are engaged to help the family, can refer the family to us for food support.
The situation with the top up bags at our centre in Stotfold and Shefford, is you do not need a referral, as this is best before food which we don’t want to be wasted if it can help someone.
We continue to wait on acceptance of our offer on possible new premises (hopefully it will be accepted, and we find out soon as I’m not the most patient soul!).
Thank you all for your continued support and prayers and all-round encouragement, it is a real blessing.
Praise God always