February Update from Gordon
April Update from Gordon
07/05/2024Well another very busy month considering there’s only four weeks in February. There seems to be no slowdown in how busy we are, and the need for parcels keeps on growing compared to each previous year.
We are very, very grateful as always for all the support we get from everyone through prayer and gifting, and the person who says hello how are you?
Our top up bags give away is also very busy in Stotfold, Sandy and Shefford and we regularly see an increase of people at our doors, but we are glad they come because if they didn’t the food would go in the bin and that is so wrong.
This month we are expecting visits from two local MPs from mid and Central Bedfordshire (on separate visits) to see what we do (could be some interesting conversations).
We continue to try and track down food and have continue to spend monthly on stock and to be honest it is a concern how much we are spending, but there is a massive need for help, and it is not going away. But we are still very much committed to our original mission of feeding those who genuinely need it, unconditionally and through Gods grace and provision we will continue.
On another note, finally our offer on the premises we were after was accepted and our solicitors are in communication with the sellers. We have engaged an architect, so hopefully things are on the move (please pray for this situation as it is a big step for us and a big commitment), but we know we can’t stay where we are as we have outgrown our present place, which has and continues to be a brilliant place for us to operate out of.
The new place will give us the opportunity to create a more efficient, permanent way of working with food and, we will have a great opportunity to develop a versatile space for our community with massive options. There are two stages to the building project. One is (our focus and main mission and will always be) feeding those in need. And secondly creating a space for community and space for us to develop our relationships with our community.
The two-step plan is:
Step one – get our food set up working as soon as possible with a natural flow between premises. But, before we do this, we have some major construction work to do, which we have budgeted for and have secured funds for most of this.
Step two – is the development of the upper level into a community space with rooms, a café area and a quiet space, which will come later. The money for this is something we are seeking through separate building funders.
If you are a local business and would like to support the project to achieve step two, please contact me on 07496 833940 or if anyone has any wish to support us, please get in touch.
There is a lot to do, but it will give a great space and will benefit our community, so if you can help, please contact us.
Praise God always