March Update from Gordon
07/05/2024Another month gone, amazing how fast it goes at the moment. I think it’s because we are so so busy. We are spending a lot of money on food because of demand, not because donations are going down, they are staying reasonably constant and for that we are so grateful. We have over 4,000 followers on Facebook which is amazing, so thanks for caring. Because of this increase in demand, we may have to make a few adjustments in what we provide in a food parcel, but other than that we’re so so grateful for all the help we get.
The new building situation is ongoing and as our offer has been accepted, we have engaged our Architect and hopefully things will start moving on that front, but that is a separate issue.
As I said in the past, our main purpose is feeding people who are hungry. That is our priority and always will be, as we continue to serve our community. We are seeing a lot of different names and different addresses in our area, and we tend to use the satnav more now than ever.
I did an interview on 3 Counties Radio a few weeks ago and spoke about the project and shared a few facts. One that I missed, was ten years ago, (we’ve been going for 20years, so I’m told) we provided 118 parcels in the whole month of March. Ten years on, in the first 2 working days of April this year, we provided 91, which is sad and shocking, but that is the situation our society is in, and we continue to do our best.
Another thing I shared, is that if 3,000 people, throughout Central Beds, donated just £5 a month (and it was gift aided), it would provide for all the food we need each month and massively help the continual running of the project.
Our top up bags are as busy as ever, as we distribute best before food that would be heading for the bin, so to all who take it, you are welcome and as I said before if you don’t take it, it gets binned.
In closing we are so grateful for the support we have received and continue to receive. If you are a business who want to help fund our 2nd phase of developing our new building into a community space, please call me on 07496 833940. We can afford to develop phase 1, which is the food side of what we do, (we think,) but not phase 2.
This year we will have a stand at the mill on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th May. Please come and say hello.
And if you are experienced in fundraising, for larger amounts, for building projects please give us a call. All advise would be appreciated.
Praise God always